This is me

This is me
Aren't I handsome?

Friday 26 November 2010

Haircuts and goodbyes

Well, she left me...again and I have a very smart haircut! I look incredibly handsome even if I do say so myself (and everyone has told me so as well!) so I'm a little put out that she left so soon!

However, I know it won't be for long. I am very happy down here in Sussex. After a wonderful time with Poppa and Babs I am now visiting my other Grandparents for a while. I have to say the weather is much better down here than in Drummore. Crikey! The wind in Drummore was pretty awful, I really didn't like going out in it. Down here I can be on the beach in a matter of minutes and it is nowhere near as windy as Port Logan Beach. I miss the seaweed though. That was fun to eat and run around with in my mouth!

So, Elly has gone. I was expecting it. The suitcases were out again. They always make me a little nervous because it means that either I'm going somewhere or Elly or James is! And I knew it would be Elly because she was a bit stressed out running around and doing stuff. We did manage to have a few good walks and some lovely cuddles though before she left. She left early in the morning on Thursday and Gerry drove her up to Heathrow to catch her flight. I could see she was sad to leave me but also really excited about seeing James again. I know I'll be there soon too.

Elly called to check on me from Abu Dhabi and to say she'd arrived. I mean she had arrived! Lucky so-and-so got upgraded to First Class! What a way to start her new life abroad! Starting as she clearly means to go on...In Style!!!! James collected her from the airport and they have settled in to the apartment above where James works. It sounds quite nice (although I wouldn't like it as there's nowhere to run around!) there's a supermarket and coffee shop, a gym and offices.
Today they looked at areas to live and they think they've found somewhere (more on that another time). She did harp on a bit about some fancy hotel they had coffee in this morning, at something called Yas Island Grand Prix Circuit. I have no idea what that is but I'm sure I'd find it very boring! She seemed to be pretty impressed with it all.

Elly said she is enjoying it so far and she is so happy to be with James after all this time. I miss him too - when do I get to come?


  1. Hey Archie, glad you are enjoying your time with your Grandparents. Very pleased that Elly arrived safely in Abu Dhabi. You need to teach Elly the difference between knew and new!!!!!!! Lots of love from the Scrimgeour Clan xxx

  2. Poppa misses you a lot Archie.
    I slept in till nearly 8.00 this morning in the flat in Glasgow.
    These mean streets will never be the same especially at 6.30 am.
    I am also having a haircut this afternoon but am sure will not be as handsome as you.
    Watching the golf from Dubai this morning,weather looked great.
    Hope to have an early family Xmas lunch with all in Dubai next week.
    we will miss you.

  3. ps I also spotted the deliberate spelling mistake, must be something in the family genes!
    We do miss you Archie, but perhaps I do not miss you quite as much as Poppa.... and I am so pleased that Elly and James are together properly again. Not long until you will be there to make up a happy threesome. Much love to you and your other grandparents,whom we hope are enjoying your company. I have to say your new cut looks very special. Lucky Dog! xxxxx

  4. Spelling mistake rectified. Well done for spotting the deliberate error! Next post will also feature a deliberate mistake to keep you all on your toes!
    Every day's a school day!

  5. Hello, my name is Ruby and I would like to be your girlfriend. Polly says we'd be great together. However I see that you are going to move to Abu Dhabi soon so perhaps a long distance relationship is not such a great idea. That makes me sad. But I am very happy for you that you will soon be with Elly and James again. I am sure they miss you a lot. Maybe you will get upgraded to First Class too when you go. I hope they choose a nice house with a garden for you to run around in. I do have my doggy passport but I don't think I would like Abu Dhabi so I probably can't come and see you. But maybe Elly and Polly will see eachother soon and can I can send you a message that way.
    Ruby x

  6. Hey Archie, you are one cool dude! Won't be long till you're on your way as well, I bet you will get such a spoiling from Ellie and James, you lucky dog you!
