This is me

This is me
Aren't I handsome?

Thursday 19 May 2011

The times they are a changing my friend...

It has been too long!
"What on earth have you been doing with yourself Archie?" I hear each and every one of you cry! "We've missed you!" I know, I know and I'm sorry. It's a busy life being a dog and now Elly is at home, well my social life is just blooming. I have company more often, I get more walks and I have even made a few friends. I love the extra attention I'm getting although I do think I am putting on a few pounds. It's getting very hot over here and I just can't walk as far as I could before so I'm feeling a little porky. Don't get me wrong, I am still devastatingly handsome...I've still got it!

So what has been happening since my last post? So much! Elly has finished work, as I said, and she seems very happy and relaxed. James and Elly went on holiday to South Africa for a week and I went to stay with my friend Jon. I had a lovely time. I was a 'city dog' for a week. I got to walk up and down the Corniche and got lots of admiring looks! Jon and Helen are lovely, I enjoyed staying with them very much, although their friends were talking about dogknapping me! I'm not sure I liked the sound of that!

Granny and Poppa were here when I came home from Jon's, which was lovely. I enjoy their company very much and it's a bit of variety isn't it? Poppa and I like to walk together and Granny cooks some lovely smelling things! I do hope they come back soon.

I know I was talking about putting on a few pounds but Elly (don't tell her I said so), is looking bigger by the day! She has a huge belly now, I can hardly get my chin rested on it! She keeps pointing to it and tells me to bark, I haven't a clue what she's on about though. She really should do some more exercise or she'll end up a right porker, (again, don't tell her I said so!). I think she's returning to the UK soon, which is nice for her, I know she is very hot now (aren't we all?). I wish she could take me, I miss the hills and the Water of Leith, I think she does too. But I think I will be staying here. It's OK though as Priya will look after me - she's a good friend and fusses over me a lot. James will be around too, I believe, and we'll still go on our runs. I hate them, but I know they're good for me!

We've had loads of visitors. Jill and Gerry were here a while ago. I love them too, they make a fuss of me as well. I heard they had missed me so much that they got a dog of their own! Not as handsome as me, but I've seen her on Skype - she's quite cute (in a sisterly kind of way that is!).
Thomas came over too and stayed. He got a good tan and kept Elly company while James went to work and then James and Thomas visited Doha one night - very adventurous!

We have just had our last lot of visitors - the Scrimgeours! All in all I enjoyed their stay but it wasn't without it's dramas! When they first arrived I was very excited as they're about the same size as me - 'Great! Friends' I thought, but they made a lot of noise and ran away. I couldn't understand it - I just wanted to be friendly. However, the next day they seemed to be a bit more friendly and I got a few pats and strokes. Things got better from then on; Alastair cuddled me lots and Cameron was so generous, he shared his bottle with me and fed me every time he ate - such a generous boy! He was a little over enthusiastic in his cuddling sometimes and kept stealing my bed, but I didn't mind, perhaps he's part dog?
I know Elly was sad when they left the other day so I gave her some cuddles to make her feel better. I'm sure it's not long before she sees them again.

Also, I heard Elly talking about Jane and Tom! I think they're coming for this weekend. I'm very excited that Aunty Jane is coming, she's great. Although they're bound to be going out the house loads and leaving me behind, coming in late and being silly. Some people! Maybe they'll have a BBQ - they're great...always plenty of things falling on the floor at a BBQ!

So, as I said, it is getting hotter and hotter here and I believe it is set to increase even more. I don't know what I'm to do. I will just have to continue lounging around the house and hope the air-conditioning doesn't break-down. I've been doing some reading as there are plenty of new books in the house and they have loads of pictures of cute babies. I like babies, I hope we get one soon. They smell good and they share their food with me. I can't stop thinking about it. It's a dog's life. I'd better get back to my snoozing. I'll be back soon, I promise.
Until the next time.
Over and out.



Thursday 20 January 2011

Abu Dhabi at last!

Dearest blog followers - I have arrived!

Well, that wasn't so bad. One minute I was in my box and it was cold and then I slept a lot and the next thing I know I'm seeing Elly and James at a brand new front door. The doors look different but furniture is the same. How lovely it was to curl up on the old sofa again next to Elly!

So far, this place doesn't seem so bad. It's a lot warmer than the UK but not too hot, it even rained this week! I have a nice park opposite my new house and I've even made new friends already. Neesha is a Springer Spaniel, who speaks English, and enjoys a good old run around like me and my new friend Monty arrives from the UK tomorrow. I've heard he's a bit of a rascal but I'm sure I'll soon show him the ropes, I know how to behave. I have been showing off my obedience skills to everyone and everyone here thinks I'm just great! I am getting so much attention it's fabulous. Priya, who looks after me when Elly and James are working, is lovely and she plays with me and pets me loads as well.

I do wish that Elly didn't have to got to work - I think she wishes it too some days! They get up super early here and I have my breakfast with them just after 6 in the morning! Poor Elly always looks so tired but she tells me that the school is very nice and when she gets paid at the end of the month it will all be worth it! Maybe she'll even buy me a new harness.

So, the house is pretty fancy. We have 3 bedrooms and more bathrooms than I can count. The garden is really lovely, apparently they put the grass down especially for me which was nice of them. I don't really like spending time out there by myself, I do prefer it when other people come out and play with me but I am pleased I have somewhere to run around all the same. I did get caught out the other day though when this water came shooting out of the grass and surprised me! It comes on automatically you see and I didn't see it coming and I got soaked. Elly couldn't stop laughing; I really wasn't amused.

I saw an old friend the other day. I recognised him as the nice man who looked after me every now and then and took me to see some rugby once. I was very confused but James explained that Jon had moved here from next door to us in Cowan Road because his girlfriend Helen was working in Abu Dhabi. So now I have my dog-sitter back! Bonus. It's just like Cowan Road - except warmer.

Elly says she will post some more photos of our new house soon for people to see where we live. I am usually to be found on the sofa, curled up or sprawled out (sooooo comfortable!).

More news soon I hope. Elly and James seem very relaxed and happy. They don't go out as much as in Scotland, which I like because I see them more, but they seem very happy and are always smiling which is nice.
Until my next instalment bloggers...Archie xxxx